The Malawi National Examination Board (MANEB) has announced results for 2022 Malawi School Certificate of Education (MSCE) in a press conference held on Friday in Lilongwe.
MANEB Executive Secretary professor Dorothy Nampota disclosed that there is improved pass rate this year as 58.44 percent have passed compared to last year’s 52.20 percent.
“86.477 students out of 147,977 who sat for this year’s Malawi School Certificate of Education examination have passed representing 58.44 percent” said Nampota.
Nampota also announced 10 underperforming districts where Nsanje is topping the list.
“Nsanje is the bottom district on the list with 48.42 percent followed by Machinga with 50.52 percent. Thyolo, Chikwawa and Mchinji scores 53.08 percent, 53.10 percent, 53.51 percent respectively. Completing the bottom 10 districts are Lilongwe Rural East (54.43%), Lilongwe City (55.94%), Blantyre Rural (56.17%), Ntcheu (56.35%) and Lilongwe Rural West (56.80%).
On the the other hand, Zomba Urban is the best performing education district with 68.43% seconded by Likoma 66.67%. Dowa comes third with 65.67% and on fourth and fifth there’s Phalombe (64.45%) and Mzuzu City (63.71%).
Professor Nampota further mentioned the top ten best performing schools in descending order as St. Kiziti Seminary comes first followed by Marist Secondary school, Nankhunda Seminary, Lilongwe Islamic Secondary school, Dedza Secondary school, St. Mary’s Secondary School, Loyola Jesuit Secondary School, Lilongwe Girls Secondary School, Maranatha Boys Secondary School a d Wasambo Boys High School.
According to the results, male students have performed well as 49,682 have passed representing 63.82 percent and for the part of females, 36,795 have passed out of 70,172 represanting 52.47 percent.
Making her remarks, Minister of Education Agnes Nyalonje said this year’s MSCE 58.44 percent pass rate shows that the country is progressing in the education sector.
She further hailed what she calls successful administration of the examination that had no cases of leakages.